Koios Sings
(a hymn to the Titan God of intelligence)
Year: 2023
Instrumentation: string orchestra
Duration: 21 minutes
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Program Notes
Koios, “query, questioning” or “intelligence” in ancient Greek), also called Polus, was one of the Titans, one of the three groups of children born to Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth). Koios was also one of the pillars holding up the four corners of the world. Koios is not a central or well known figure in the Greek pantheon – and that makes him all the more fitting as a reminder that the faculties of intellect and inquisitiveness are too often ignored, if not outrightly disparaged – especially these days when so many seem to display their ignorance and foolishness with such pride.
This music is, in a way, a hymn of praise to the faculty of intelligence. It is intelligence, coupled of course with heart, that gives our species its bright promise – shedding a light that will, I hope, always pierce through the darkness of ignorance and dull minds.
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