Aphorisms IV
(for Olivia Koopalethes)
Year: 2019
Instrumentation: cello & piano
Duration: 19 minutes
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Program Notes
This music is dedicated in memory of my mother-in-law, Olivia (Koopalethes) Alberts. I started writing this while sitting in the quiet of her hospital room. The 4th in my series of musical aphorisms, the work evolved as I reminisced about Olivia’s life. She had a good life, making it to just shy of her 98th birthday. We thought she would easily make it to 100. First and foremost, Olivia was an artist, leaving a legacy of hundreds of beautiful works. She was also a searcher, trying to find, in art and music, answers to the inexplicable.
MIDI rendition of APHORISMS IV
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